How do you get started?
Enrolment information
Enrolment is easy & because we run a continuous program, you can start at any time - no need to wait for a new term. Simply give us a call and we can take your details & payment over the phone or a call in to the Centre to complete your enrolment .
Does the class you have been attending no longer suit? Give us a call and we can let you know what else is available & swap you to something more suitable.
Would you prefer we give you a call back? Simply complete our Enquiry Form and we will get back t o you.
Most people want to know the following:
We offer 2 payment methods. Upfront monthly billing & fortnightly direct debit.
We are currently offering unlimited makeups if you miss a lesson
Classes are 30 minutes once a week but you can book an extra session to fast track your Childs progress
All swimmers in our teacher only classes must wear a swim cap. All babies, toddlers & children in parent & baby classes must wear the Little Toggs reusable swim nappy