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SuperKids Aquatic is a

Kidsport is a WA State Government initiative providing financial assistance to low income families to participate in sporting activities, including swimming lessons at our swim centre!  Eligible families can apply for a $500 voucher towards the cost of swimming lessons each calendar year, provided they meet the following criteria:

1. Have a health care card or pension card and

2. The card lists the children that voucher will be for and

3. The child/ren are between 5 - 18 years and

4. Are a WA resident.

If you meet this criteria, apply directly via the Kidsport website.  

You can apply at any time of the year as funding approval is

always open. 




It's very simple -

1.  Apply online & wait up to 10 days to get approved

2. Once approved, Kidsport will send you an email with a voucher code

3. Give us the voucher code to validate & we will apply up to $300 on your account paid by Kidsport!

4. We claim the money back from Kidsport.

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