Keeping everybody safe
Covid-19 update

Last update16th August 2023
Whilst we might not be thinking too much about Covid any more, the safety of our staff & swim families is still a priority at SuperKids Aquatic. Whilst there are currently no Government restrictions in place, we want to remind customers to be considerate of others and only attend if you have not tested positive to Covid and at all other times, are feeling well.
There is no requirement to wear a mask however patrons are welcome to wear mask of their own choice or where they have recently recovered from Covid, are residing with a person who is covid positive or have recently been unwell.
In order to always maintain a clean, hygienic facility, regardless of Covid we:
- Continue to clean & disinfect all touchable & high frequented areas and all pool equipment,
- Keep centre policies updated to ensure we can provide the safest possible environment for all swimmers, families & staff.
- Ensure staff only attend work when they are well & have a longer break before coming back to work if they have returned from overseas
- Offer unlimited makeups provided you use the customer portal to advise of your absence & give us a minimum 1 hours notice of your non-attendance. This allows you to keep unwell children at home or will assist you if the parent or another family member is unwell making it difficult for your swimmer to attend. If a child is showing any signs of being unwell at their lesson, they will asked to hop out of the water and will not be permitted to continue their lesson. We do not offer makeups in this instance so please plan ahead and mark absent if unsure.
We need EVERYBODY to do their part to ensure our SuperKids facility is a healthy environment.
We THANK YOU for doing your part.